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2022 Case Study: Coca-Cola #Screentime

The Objective

To experiment with influencer marketing on Instagram while driving awareness and trial for their Coca-Cola Zero 330ml Can as well as Coca-Cola App.

The Strategy

Having run over a dozen Instagram campaigns via Collabment, the team at Coca-Cola CH were no strangers to collaborating with Collabment Creators. Accustomed to generating stunning still photography content for Instagram, the reels brought their Screentime campaign to life in an entirely new way.

Their #Screentime campaign called for our big influencers to have people share moments in their comfort zone while on their TV, laptop, cell phone, or gaming device with the Coca-Cola Zero 330-ml Can. Influencers and streamers received a personalized seeding kit and encouraged their communities to take a look at the Coca-Cola app.

Check-Out the posts

@kevinlutolf @chiaracastelli

...and growing.

Want to discover how Collabment can help you nail your Influencer strategy? Request a call with one of our experts. Or if you’re ready to jump into the world of influencer marketing with Collabment, create a campaign today or reach out to your Customer Success Manager to get started.

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